If you can blur my stupid face and disguise my dulcet tones I'm in! (cos I'm still in).
Ex elder ex pioneer, currently barely a publisher.
i would like to make a documentary with help from the same technology that got me free of watchtower, namely the internet.
also via the same people that helped me leave, namely...you lot!.
i want to make the documentary that jw's find when they google jw.org.
If you can blur my stupid face and disguise my dulcet tones I'm in! (cos I'm still in).
Ex elder ex pioneer, currently barely a publisher.
[quote]some might assume that a scientifically-minded person would pick evolution and that a religious person would pick creation.
but not always.. rama singh, professor of biology at canadas mcmaster university, says: the opposition to evolution goes beyond religious fundamentalism and includes a great many people from educated sections of the population.[/quote].
end-of-quote in awake.
Marky mark
i've posted on and off here over the past year, but not much recently.
anyone who read my previous posts will know that i started learning all sorts of surprising things about jehovah's witnesses about a year or so ago, well, surprising to me anyway.
i feel very sad now as it is getting harder and harder to go to meetings.
Good to hear from you dog dude. Sorry to hear your missus is still suffering.
You're not alone in suffering for your family. You and I both have taken the long game, trying to keep peace for the sake of others. Inevitably for me, I suspect I'm getting close to the point where I can't stand it anymore and might have to take action.
At least you're not serving anymore, that's a serious load off, good for you!
hi guys,.
check out our first ever podcast here - http://www.jwpodcast.org/2014/10/19/s01e00-macclesfield-forest, or download this episode (right click and save).
it's finally here, our first ever jehovah's witness podcast!
Great stuff, looking forward to hearing the next one..
Hiring a P. I.? really? And successful withit?! Amazing story!
Will you guys have a voice disguiser handy for those who might want to ring in unidentifiably?
hi guys,.
check out our first ever podcast here - http://www.jwpodcast.org/2014/10/19/s01e00-macclesfield-forest, or download this episode (right click and save).
it's finally here, our first ever jehovah's witness podcast!
Can't WAIT to hear this, I already subscribe to dogma debate and cognitive dissonance and a few others, it'll be great to hear a UK podcast finally... Thanks guys!
w04 3/1 p. 13 par.
2 - "the expression "that evil slave" draws our attention to jesus preceding words about the faithful and discreet slave.
yes, the "evil slave" came from the ranks of the faithful slave.".
Nicely clarified sir, thanks for that!
Hahaaa 'grow a pear'!
WhatsApp? Kik?
i have heard a lot of talk over the last year or so if the gb will eventually ditch 1914 and some have even made the claim that most, if not all of the gb do not believe in 1914. ive given this some thought and in the past i wasnt sure.
this annual meeting puts 100%, without a doubt in my mind that the gb do not believe in 1914. id even go as far to say that they talked about that date and have a game plan in mind.. here is why i feel this way:.
there were a lot of changes with the parables at this annual meeting.
Lol rubadub! L. O. L!
after a one year sucessful fade and no longer associated with any congreation, i was visiting my sister this week (who goes to the meeting to please her husband for now; i am slowly planting seeds though) and they decided to year this weeks midweek meeting via the telephone.
since i was a guest in her house, i sat with them in the living room to hear the meeting.
to my surprise (especially growing up as a gay jw with still alot of anger in my heart over how i was treated), the talks 2 and 3 where on, of course, homosexualiy.
Rnwt -
Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality,
Interlinear -
Or οὐκ not οἴδατε have YOU known ὅτι that ἄδικοι unjust (ones) θεοῦ of God βασιλείαν kingdom οὐ not κληρονομήσουσιν; they will inherit? Μὴ Not πλανᾶσθε· be YOU being misled; οὔτε neither πόρνοι fornicators οὔτε nor εἰδωλολάτραι idolaters οὔτε nor μοιχοὶ adulterers οὔτε nor μαλακοὶ soft [men] οὔτε nor ἀρσενοκοῖτα liers with males